Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Evolutia Spirituala ca mascarada a Controlului Total

Mai jos sunt ideile de baza ale doctrinei Newage aplicate la nivel social. Daca la nivel individual (micro) sunt realativ ok si de bun simt, la nivel macro e dezastru. Va prezint societatea perfecta a viitorului "evoluata spiritual" pe punctele din manual :

1. The victory of unselfishness over selfishness in all forms (the victory of common interest over private interest).

Un sclav perfect fara ego si constiinta proprie. Intoarce obrajii la palme ca girofaru'.

2. The creation of an international, democratic world government.

Voteaza Rockeffeler sau Rotschild, partidul masonic sau partidul illuminat - alegerea iti apartine...

3. The disarmament of all countries in favour of the establishment of an international, impartial world police force.

Propunerea asta sta scrisa oficial pe situl guvernului comunist chinez:

Globalizarea, comunismul, masoneria si mutarea productiei masive in China au o mare legatura citeste postarea mai veche : Simboluri Comuniste, Simboluri Masonice

Revenind daca nu mai sunt granite si razboaie, de cine ne aparam devreme ce trebuie sa creem o politie internationala ? De ce nu ar fi pace ? Ce neajunsuri ar fi in "paradis" ? Pai simplu ca niste Politistii australieni or sa bata si or sa violeze la francezi fara nici o jena, politistii francezi or sa bata la randul lor pe koreeni, samd.... tehnica e veche, de la Imperiul Roman.

4. The development of an international, undisguised - not secret- supreme system of law and justice represented by science's most eminent people in spiritual as well as in material fields who will be qualified to know the difference between "abnormal actions" and "crimes" - having knowledge of the course of evolution and the eternal laws of life, which would thus guarantee absolute justice for everyone and everything.

O dictatura tehnocrata si un tribunal bazat pe nepotism al preotilor NewAge si al bancherilor. difference between "abnormal actions" and "crimes".... Incestul, sacrificul ritualic pentru planeta vor fi legale...

5. The abolition of private individuals' possession of valuable goods in favour of their appropriation by the world state.

Ce frumos fara proprietate privata si bunuri, ca vitele in staul... singura proprietate probabil ca va fi un chip sub piele.

6. The abolition of money in favour of the establishment of an individual's personally rendered work as the only means of payment for him.

Fara bani si fara proprietati, esti la mana statului ca pestisoru' din acvariu... si cuantificare orelor de munca se face prin chipul de sub piele de mai sus. Ce misto se leaga evolutia asta spirituala, nu ?

7. The establishment of one fund for childhood, old age and illness covering the whole of the world state and founded on the basis of deductions from work-receipts.

Cata centralizare domne...

8. The use of machines for shortening material working hours in favour of days for study and spiritual research.

"Spiritual research" un fel de sedinte P.C.R. pe teme de Dumnezeu si Natura. Cum sa devii mai umil si mai discipol model...

9. The abolition of bloodshed and policies of violence.

Suna bine si populist, ba din contra atrocitatile se vor inmulti si vor cunoaste o tenta spirituala... bine versus rau, ordine versus haos...

10. The abolition of torture, corporal and capital punishment in favour of expert arrangements for internment and education.

Spalare la creier prin nano-masini si programare neuro lingvistica gen Biserica Scientologica prin vestitul audit psihologic... Puscarie si tortura bazata pe stimulare cerebrala virtuala.

11. The development of vegetarian food, of health and the care of the physical body, and of light, healthy housing. The development of intellectual liberty, tolerance, humanness and love to all living beings, to people and animals, to plants and to minerals.

Deci sa mancam mai ieftin si mai prost... eventual o pasta verde si sa "love to all living beings, to plants and to minerals" - asa sa iubim si pietrele...
Pai cam asta era planul bancherilor care nu erau foarte spirituali nu-i asa... care-s boii (gen fani Star Trek) care sa creada ca acest viitor utopic este altceva decat o planeta puscarie ?

Un interviu scurt de 15 minute foarte interesant...

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